Author | Title | Year | Journal/Proceedings | DOI/URL | |
Thomas Wegener, Alexander Liehr, Artjom Bolender, Sebastian Degener, Felix Wittich, Andreas Kroll, Thomas Niendorf | Calibration and validation of micromagnetic data for non-destructive analysis of near-surface properties after hard turning [BibTeX] |
2022 | HTM Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials, vol. 77, no. 2, pp. 156 - 172 | DOI | |
BibTeX: @article{Wegener_HTM2021, author = {Thomas Wegener and Alexander Liehr and Artjom Bolender and Sebastian Degener and Felix Wittich and Andreas Kroll and Thomas Niendorf}, doi = {}, journal = {HTM Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials}, language = {english}, mrtnote = {peer, HartDrehen}, number = {2}, owner = {wittich}, pages = {156 -- 172}, timestamp = {2021.11.07}, title = {Calibration and validation of micromagnetic data for non-destructive analysis of near-surface properties after hard turning}, volume = {77}, year = {2022} } |
Felix Wittich, Andreas Kroll | Approximation der zulässigen Parametermenge bei der Bounded-Error-Schätzung durch ein Ray-Shooting-Verfahren [BibTeX] |
2021 | 31. Workshop Computational Intelligence, pp. 79-90, KIT Scientific Publishing, GMA-FA 5.14, 25.-26. November | URL | |
BibTeX: @inproceedings{WittichGMACI2021, author = {Felix Wittich and Andreas Kroll}, booktitle = {31. Workshop Computational Intelligence}, date = {2021}, location = {Berlin}, month = {25.-26. November}, mrtnote = {nopeer, HartDrehen}, organization = {GMA-FA 5.14}, owner = {wittich}, pages = {79-90}, publisher = {KIT Scientific Publishing}, timestamp = {2021.08.24}, title = {Approximation der zulässigen Parametermenge bei der Bounded-Error-Schätzung durch ein Ray-Shooting-Verfahren}, url = {}, year = {2021} } |
Felix Wittich, Andreas Kroll | Evaluation of methods for feasible parameter set estimation of Takagi-Sugeno models for nonlinear regression with bounded errors | 2021 | at - Automatisierungstechnik, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 836-847 | URL | |
Abstract: In data-driven modeling besides the point estimate of the model parameters, an estimation of the parameter uncertainty is of great interest. For this, bounded error parameter estimation methods can be used. These are particularly interesting for problems where the stochastical properties of the random effects are unknown and cannot be determined. In this paper, different methods for obtaining a feasible parameter set are evaluated for the use with Takagi-Sugeno models. Case studies with simulated data and with measured data from a manufacturing process are presented. | |||||
BibTeX: @article{2021-FW-at-BE_TS_Methods, abstract = {In data-driven modeling besides the point estimate of the model parameters, an estimation of the parameter uncertainty is of great interest. For this, bounded error parameter estimation methods can be used. These are particularly interesting for problems where the stochastical properties of the random effects are unknown and cannot be determined. In this paper, different methods for obtaining a feasible parameter set are evaluated for the use with Takagi-Sugeno models. Case studies with simulated data and with measured data from a manufacturing process are presented.}, author = {Felix Wittich and Andreas Kroll}, journal = {at -- Automatisierungstechnik}, journaltitle = {Computational Intelligence}, language = {english}, mrtnote = {peer,HartDrehen}, number = {10}, owner = {wittich}, pages = {836--847}, timestamp = {2020.11.06}, title = {Evaluation of methods for feasible parameter set estimation of Takagi-Sugeno models for nonlinear regression with bounded errors}, url = {}, volume = {69}, year = {2021} } |
Christopher Schott, Felix Wittich, Andreas Kroll, Thomas Niendorf | Prediction of near surface residual stress states for hard turned specimens using data driven nonlinear models [BibTeX] |
2021 | Procedia CIRP, vol. 101, pp. 1-4, Sheffield, UK | DOI , URL | |
BibTeX: @inproceedings{Schott_CIRP2020, address = {Sheffield, UK}, author = {Christopher Schott and Felix Wittich and Andreas Kroll and Thomas Niendorf}, booktitle = {Procedia CIRP}, doi = {10.1016/j.procir.2020.10.002}, language = {english}, mrtnote = {peer, HartDrehen}, owner = {wittich}, pages = {1-4}, timestamp = {2020.02.10}, title = {Prediction of near surface residual stress states for hard turned specimens using data driven nonlinear models}, url = {}, volume = {101}, year = {2021} } |
Felix Wittich, Lars Kistner, Andreas Kroll, Christopher Schott, Thomas Niendorf | On data-driven nonlinear uncertainty modeling: Methods and application for control-oriented surface condition prediction in hard turning | 2020 | tm - Technisches Messen, vol. 87, pp. 732-741 | DOI , URL | |
Abstract: In this article, two data-driven modeling approaches are investigated, which allow an explicit modeling of uncertainty. For this purpose, parametric Takagi-Sugeno multi-models with bounded-error parameter estimation and nonparametric Gaussian process regression are applied and compared. These models can for instance be used for robust model-based control design. As an application, the prediction of residual stresses during hard turning depending on the machining parameters and the initial hardness is considered. | |||||
BibTeX: @article{2020-FW-TM-BE_GPR_HardTurning, abstract = {In this article, two data-driven modeling approaches are investigated, which allow an explicit modeling of uncertainty. For this purpose, parametric Takagi-Sugeno multi-models with bounded-error parameter estimation and nonparametric Gaussian process regression are applied and compared. These models can for instance be used for robust model-based control design. As an application, the prediction of residual stresses during hard turning depending on the machining parameters and the initial hardness is considered.}, author = {Felix Wittich and Lars Kistner and Andreas Kroll and Christopher Schott and Thomas Niendorf}, doi = {10.1515/teme-2020-0057}, journal = {tm -- Technisches Messen}, language = {english}, mrtnote = {peer,HartDrehen}, owner = {wittich}, pages = {732-741}, timestamp = {2020.10.16}, title = {On data-driven nonlinear uncertainty modeling: Methods and application for control-oriented surface condition prediction in hard turning}, url = {}, volume = {87}, year = {2020} } |
Felix Wittich, Matthias Kahl, Andreas Kroll, Wolfgang Zinn, Thomas Niendorf | On Nonlinear Empirical Modeling of Residual Stress Profiles in Hard Turning [BibTeX] |
2019 | IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2019), pp. 3235 - 3240, Bari, Italy, IEEE, 06.-09. October | DOI , URL | |
BibTeX: @inproceedings{WittichSMC2019, address = {Bari, Italy}, author = {Felix Wittich and Matthias Kahl and Andreas Kroll and Wolfgang Zinn and Thomas Niendorf}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2019)}, doi = {10.1109/SMC.2019.8914272}, month = {06.-09. October}, mrtnote = {peer,HartDrehen}, organization = {IEEE}, owner = {wittich}, pages = {3235 -- 3240}, timestamp = {2017.08.31}, title = {On Nonlinear Empirical Modeling of Residual Stress Profiles in Hard Turning}, url = {}, year = {2019} } |
Felix Wittich, Matthias Kahl, Andreas Kroll | Zur Schätzung zulässiger Parametermengen nichtlinearer Takagi-Sugeno-Multi-Modelle mit garantierten Fehlerschranken [BibTeX] |
2019 | 29. Workshop Computational Intelligence, pp. 247-254, KIT Scientific Publishing, Dortmund, GMA-FA 5.14, 28.-29. November | DOI | |
BibTeX: @inproceedings{WittichGMA2019, address = {Dortmund}, author = {Felix Wittich and Matthias Kahl and Andreas Kroll}, booktitle = {29. Workshop Computational Intelligence}, doi = {10.5445/KSP/1000098736}, month = {28.-29. November}, mrtnote = {nopeer,HartDrehen}, organization = {GMA-FA 5.14}, owner = {wittich}, pages = {247-254}, publisher = {KIT Scientific Publishing}, timestamp = {2017.08.31}, title = {Zur Schätzung zulässiger Parametermengen nichtlinearer Takagi-Sugeno-Multi-Modelle mit garantierten Fehlerschranken}, year = {2019} } |
Felix Wittich | Zur datengetriebenen Modellierung von Eigenspannungen bei einem Hartdrehprozess [BibTeX] |
2019 | WerkstoffWoche 2019, Dresden, September | URL | |
BibTeX: @conference{WerkstoffWoche2019, author = {Felix Wittich}, booktitle = {WerkstoffWoche 2019, Dresden}, date = {2019.09.18}, month = {September}, mrtnote = {nopeer,HartDrehen}, owner = {duerrbaum}, timestamp = {2016.02.22}, title = {Zur datengetriebenen Modellierung von Eigenspannungen bei einem Hartdrehprozess}, url = {}, year = {2019} } |
Felix Wittich | Zur Schätzung zulässiger Parametermengen bei nichtlinearen Takagi-Sugeno-Multi-Modellen mit garantierten Fehlerschranken: Methoden und fertigungstechnische Anwendung [BibTeX] |
2019 | FG Mess- und Regelungstechnik, Universität Kassel, Masterarbeit, Dezember | URL | |
BibTeX: @mastersthesis{MA_wittich_2019, address = {Universität Kassel}, author = {Felix Wittich}, month = {Dezember}, mrtnote = {education,HartDrehen}, mrtnr = {227}, owner = {kahl}, school = {FG Mess- und Regelungstechnik}, supervisor = {#ak#}, timestamp = {2018.04.09}, title = {Zur Schätzung zulässiger Parametermengen bei nichtlinearen Takagi-Sugeno-Multi-Modellen mit garantierten Fehlerschranken: Methoden und fertigungstechnische Anwendung}, type = {Masterarbeit}, url = {}, year = {2019} } |
Felix Wittich, Matthias Gringard, Matthias Kahl, Andreas Kroll, Thomas Niendorf, Wolfgang Zinn | Datengetriebene Modellierung zur Prädiktion des Eigenspannungstiefenverlaufs beim Hartdrehen [BibTeX] |
2018 | 28. Workshop Computational Intelligence, pp. 61 - 81, KIT Scientific Publishing, Dortmund, GMA-FA 5.14, 29.-30. November | URL | |
BibTeX: @inproceedings{WittichGMA2018, address = {Dortmund}, author = {Felix Wittich and Matthias Gringard and Matthias Kahl and Andreas Kroll and Thomas Niendorf and Wolfgang Zinn}, booktitle = {28. Workshop Computational Intelligence}, doit = {10.5445/KSP/1000085935}, month = {29.-30. November}, mrtnote = {nopeer,HartDrehen}, organization = {GMA-FA 5.14}, owner = {wittich}, pages = {61 -- 81}, publisher = {KIT Scientific Publishing}, timestamp = {2017.08.31}, title = {Datengetriebene Modellierung zur Prädiktion des Eigenspannungstiefenverlaufs beim Hartdrehen}, url = {}, year = {2018} } |
Felix Wittich | Zur datengetriebenen Modellierung der Eigenspannungstiefenverteilung beim Hartdrehen [BibTeX] |
2018 | FG Mess- und Regelungstechnik, Universität Kassel, Bachelorarbeit, Februar | URL | |
BibTeX: @mastersthesis{BA_wittich_2018, address = {Universität Kassel}, author = {Felix Wittich}, month = {Februar}, mrtnote = {education,HartDrehen}, mrtnr = {218}, owner = {kahl}, school = {FG Mess- und Regelungstechnik}, supervisor = {#ak#}, timestamp = {2018.04.09}, title = {Zur datengetriebenen Modellierung der Eigenspannungstiefenverteilung beim Hartdrehen}, type = {Bachelorarbeit}, url = {}, year = {2018} } |
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